Course Progress (2%)
What is Your Offer?

As a business owner, once you have an irresistible offer you KNOW your audience is clamoring for, and you know you can launch it over and over to better results, that is when the whole game changes. 

Complete this lesson with AI
Head to the AI Prompts Portal in your workbook to use the following prompts: 

  • 🤖 Offer Basics Prompt
  • 🤖 Context Training Prompts

Then write down the answers ChatGPT gives you in your answer blocks in your workbook. You can watch the demo video if you want to see the prompts in action.

Lesson Slides

Lesson Transcript

Read the What is Your Offer? transcript

Caroline: Welcome to Module One: Your Irresistible Offer. What are we talking about, Jace?

Jason: It's pretty important.

Caroline: Yep.

Jason: What is your offer? So, the lesson goal here is to define the basics of the irresistible offer that you are launching. There are a million different ways to package a digital product offer. You have templates, printables, courses, paid community. So many different ways that you can do this. So the simple question we're trying to answer, what are you selling?

Caroline: Yes, you signed up for an entire course about launching. However, the reason that we have an entire module on offers is because if your offer isn't right, it doesn't matter how strategic or how calm your launch is. We are aiming for predictable income for you. So we do need an offer that sells. And how do you know if your offer isn't right? Well, here are three main problems that we see with offers.

Jason: All right, let's talk about these biggest offer mistakes, starting with number one, unvalidated. So this is when you create an offer that you want to make, but your audience doesn't actually want or need it. Number two, it's just too broad. So you create an offer that tries to please everyone and it ends up pleasing?

Caroline: No one.

Jason: Nicely done.

Caroline: Thank you.

Jason: And number three, it's just too complex. So you create an offer that is over complicated. This module is going to help you avoid those problems.

Caroline: Now, let's talk about how to strategically define your offer. So it's important to set the stage and know that an offer is simply an exchange of value for money. So you have a solution to a problem, which we'll talk about. And the value depends on who is paying for that solution and how much are they willing to pay for that solution. And that is where the value of your offer lies. In order to have an irresistible offer, which means one that sells, you need these three things in alignment. Your solution, your price and your customer. So we're trying to match all those three things up. Here's what I mean by that. The solution and your price need to align, meaning the perceived value of your solution needs to match the price of it. The price needs to match the customer. So your price needs to match what your audience can and will pay. And the customer needs to match the solution, meaning your customer needs to have a known problem that matches your solution.

Jason: Now, here's what it looks like when those things are out of alignment. So if your solution doesn't match the price, this would be an example of a hobby course on how to make clay earrings for $2,000. That's just too much. There's too much to charge for that. If your price doesn't match your customer, this would be like trying to sell a $20,000 website package for early stage nonprofit.

Caroline: They can't pay that, Jason.

Jason: No, they can't. It's too much. And last but not least, if your customer and solution are not matching, this would be like trying to sell a site speed audit for Joe's hardware store down the street. Joe doesn't need it. He's selling hammers and saws and other hardware things.

Caroline: He might need it. He just doesn't know he needs it, Jason.

Jason: He doesn't probably need it.

Caroline: In order to get these three things in alignment, we recommend starting with these two, your solution and your customer. Now, if you have less than 2000 email subscribers, you're going to start with the solution and then we're going to work backwards to the customer. An example of that would be starting with your offer idea, the topic that you want to teach on and what problem it solves. Then depending on the problem it solves, you're going to identify the ideal customer who has that problem. On the other hand, if you have more than 2000 email subscribers, you want to start with your customer because you've already built up a little bit of an audience. So you want to ask yourself, who is in your audience and what problems do they have? Then you want to reverse engineer a solution that solves that problem. Now let's show you a couple of examples. So let's imagine we start with the solution. We're going to go solution, problem, then customer. Let's say the solution is you want to teach about a launch formula. Interesting. So you want to ask yourself, problem does that solve? Well, someone who has stressful, chaotic launches with low sales. And then you want to go, who is the customer that has that problem? Solopreneurs. They're selling digital products. Now, on the other hand, let's start with the customer. We're going to go customer, problem, solution. So let's imagine I identify my audience is all teachers. And so I think to myself, what's a problem that teachers have? Well, we all know teachers do not get paid enough. So the solution to that problem is I'm going to teach them how to make side income selling their digital teacher resources.

Jason: Now that we know the customer problem solution, we start simple by asking ourself five questions, starting with what is the topic of your offer? Then what is the outcome related to this topic? What is the best format to facilitate this outcome? How long will it take to receive value from this offer? And how is it different from what else is out there? And here's another example with our Calm Launch Formula. So the topic, launching digital products. The outcome, creating a complete launch plan in two weeks. That's what we're doing for you here. The format is a self paced course with actionable videos. How long it will take? Two weeks. And how it's different, emphasis on mental health and a systematic approach. Excuse me, ma'am, can we have two more examples?

Caroline: You absolutely can.

Jason: Thank you.

Caroline: So let's do two more examples here. Let's imagine, number one, our topic is going to be branding for this offer. Number two, it's going to be developing a cohesive brand identity that bucks the trend and stands out. It's going to be a workshop series with guided exercises and feedback sessions. We're going to do it in a four week workshop series time span and then the emphasis is going to be on not following trends and taking design risks. That would be our offer details there. Let's do another one. So let's say we want to do a topic of personal finance management, but it's going to be the outcome of creating a personalized debt payoff and savings plan, group coaching sessions with detailed financial planning templates. It'll be done over six weeks and the emphasis is going to be on simplicity and it's going to be tailored just to Gen Z.

Jason: Which is me. I'm Gen Z.

Caroline: You are so Gen Z.

Jason: So Gen Z.

Caroline: Okay, now that you have your customer, your problem, your solution and you have your offer basics, this is a fantastic start to defining your offer. But there's so much more that we need to do in order to make this irresistible to your audience. So we're gonna lead right into the action steps here. Following this lesson, you're gonna define your offer's problem, solution and customer and you're gonna answer the five basic questions to further specify your offer details. And all of this lives inside your Calm Launch workbook. So you can finish the action steps right now.

Read the Defining Your Offer AI Prompt transcript

Caroline: All right, I am so excited to take you through these AI prompts and use ChatGPT in order to help you fill out this workbook and figure out all of your details for your Calm launch. So before we get started, I just wanted to give you an idea of where to access these prompts.

Caroline: There's kind of two ways you can do it. So, either from your workbook here, you can go to the AI prompts portal, and this is going to have all of the prompts listed out together in the order that you can do them in. So you could, if you click on each one of these, you'll see the prompts, and you can just follow them that way.

Caroline: Make sure you scroll all the way down to make sure you don't miss anything. That is one way that you can do it. However, I do recommend here on the main workbook page, you can also access them from within the workbook. I like this because it gives you more context of the video that you just watched, some of the things you're trying to figure out.

Caroline: And so, that's another way that you can do it. To access them that way, we can go here to the course workbook section under module one. We're starting with "What is your offer?" And like I said, you have kind of more context, more information here. Whenever you see this yellow block and this blue block, the blue block is going to have a button where you can access the AI prompt that goes with that section of the workbook.

Caroline: And then the yellow blocks are to fill out your answer blocks for that section of the workbook. So be aware of that. So let's just go ahead and get started. Let's open up the offer details AI prompt, and you can see that our first prompt is here. Now, what I want to point out to you is we have written out the prompt in text version because it's easier to read that way.

Caroline: And anything that you see in brackets highlighted in yellow is something that you are going to have to type in before you enter this prompt into ChatGPT so that you can make it customized to you, your business, and your offer. But the easiest thing to do is, beneath the formatted text version of the prompt, you have this code block.

Caroline: And the reason we did this is because, with one click, I can copy the prompt, which is going to save you a lot of time, and I can head over here to ChatGPT and hit paste. Now, before I hit enter—let me just extend my display there—before I hit enter, like I said, we need to go and fill out all those bracketed bits of the prompt.

Caroline: So I'm going to do that as I record these demo videos for you. I'm just going to pretend that my business is Made Vibrant, and I'm going to make up some offer, and I'm going to use that throughout the entire demo video so that you can kind of see what ChatGPT gives me. Bear with me for a second while I fill out this prompt.

Caroline: Okay, here in the offer idea section, you can be as specific or as vague as you want. You might have down to a T the exact idea for what you want to launch, and so you might want to fill out the workbook with that offer in mind. You're like, "I know exactly. It's going to be this online course. It's going to have these features," et cetera.

Caroline: So you can use all that information, or the beauty of it is if you just have sort of a vague idea and you want ChatGPT to help you come up with an irresistible offer, you can be vague as well. So I'm going to be a little bit vague here. I'm just going to say I know that I want to sell something related to creating slide presentations in Canva.

Caroline: That's all I'm going to say. Going to spell things correctly. Let's fill out my target customer.

Caroline: And then the rest of this, ChatGPT is going to take care of for us. And like I said, I just have a vague idea of my offer, so I'm not going to fill out anything in this section. I want ChatGPT to recommend my offer format, and we're going to hit enter. Okay, ChatGPT has recommended that we create an online course with tutorials, downloadable templates, perhaps even live Q&A sessions.

Caroline: We'll nail all of that down later. If you don't like the offer format that ChatGPT gives you, there is a follow-up prompt here in this section, which asks ChatGPT to offer three alternative digital product offer formats. You can kind of help and guide it on what you're looking for. Also, be aware at any time you can close this prompt, and there are some additional resources in the workbook, like here's a list of offer formats if you want to copy and paste that into ChatGPT and say, "Hey, these are my favorite formats. Can you give me examples using these three favorite formats," et cetera.

Caroline: So definitely use your discretion there and explore the workbook that way. But I like this idea of an online course. The final step whenever you complete the prompt is you don't want to lose this vital information in case you have to, you know, continue the session at a different time. So do use these yellow answer blocks to house all of your information.

Caroline: So we're going to put the big problem, we're going to copy that and paste it here, we're going to copy the big solution, paste it here, and then we're going to highlight all the offer basics and put that here. And just for time's sake, I'm not doing a lot of follow-up here, but remember, when ChatGPT gives you your output, really read it, dig into it, and if there's anything that you want changed or updated or, "Hey, can you put that in a bulleted list instead of a paragraph?" or, "Hey, I really want my big solution to be one sentence long, very concise," I really encourage you to have a conversation with ChatGPT and tell it exactly what your expectations are.

Caroline: As we discussed in the intro video, pretend that it is an assistant that you've hired, and the best way to train that person is to give them context and to be explicit in what you expect from them. That is also the best way to work with ChatGPT. And now we have our offer basics, and we can move on to the next prompt.

Read the Giving GPT More Context transcript

Caroline: Okay, before we move on, I did want to share with you an optional prompt that you can do at this time, and that has to do with what we call context training for ChatGPT. So you have your offer details, but if we open up here in this same place in our workbook, this context training prompt—let me make it bigger for you here.

Caroline: Okay, so what these prompts are going to do is give you an opportunity to train ChatGPT on your business, your brand tone, your brand personality, your writing tone of voice. Because as we know, you've seen a lot of these AI videos, you can end up getting something that sounds very much like AI, very dry, like a robot wrote it.

Caroline: And we don't want that. We want it to sound like you and your tone of voice. And so, in order to get that output that you're looking for, we need to tell it how to mold the tone of the responses you're gonna get. So I will warn you, this is the most you're ever gonna have to write in the prompts in the workbook.

Caroline: So it is a little bit of a time investment. But if you take the time to do these prompts, everything that you get from ChatGPT from here on out is going to be a little bit more strategic because it knows your business. It's going to be a little bit more in the tone of voice that you're looking for because it knows your tone.

Caroline: So here's how to do that. We are going to start with this basic training prompt, and again, we're going to scroll down here to the copy block. I'm going to put that into ChatGPT. And this is all about your business, what products you already offer, your brand's core values, et cetera, which is going to help it make more strategic recommendations because it has more context.

Caroline: Give me a sec while I input our brackets here with the information that we need before we hit enter.

Caroline: Perfect. So like I said, it takes a couple of minutes, but we are going to hit enter and see if ChatGPT can reply back to us with a description letting us know that they understand the business. Made Vibrant, a creative and soulful business dedicated to empowering solopreneurs with tools and knowledge to craft authentic, vibrant brand identities.

Caroline: Yada, yada. That tells me that they know a little bit of what the business is about, but the next prompt is really where you're gonna start to see the fun come forward. So if you scroll down here, we want to get to the brand voice and writing styles prompt. So we're going to copy that because this description is truthful and clear, but it's a little dry, and we want to make sure that it's written in our tone of voice.

Caroline: So I'm going to paste that in here, and now I'm going to fill out all the brackets with the tone of voice that we want the writing to be in so that it better reflects your brand. So now I'm going to do that. Again, something that helps me here is just imagining that I am talking to a human being, really just let yourself write whatever comes to mind. When you think of how you're trying to express yourself, I know it's a little difficult. The more information you can give ChatGPT, the better, about what you want your language style to be.

Caroline: And if you encounter any of these prompts that kind of make you feel stuck, you're not sure, like sentence structure, you can just delete those. Pacing and rhythm, I don't have any preference for that, so just go ahead and delete it.

Caroline: I have told ChatGPT all of my preferences. Now the real magic is if you can provide a writing sample because then we're training it on things that you yourself have actually written. So I am actually going to go and grab an old blog post that I wrote many years ago just in my Made Vibrant newsletter voice.

Caroline: And that is going. I'm just going to literally copy that and paste it here in this section. And that is going to give it an idea of how I like to write. Because describing it is one thing, but actually training it on what you've written is another. So let's hit enter and then we've asked it to basically rewrite your business description paragraph, but in the tone of voice that they now know.

Caroline: This has told us: At Made Vibrant, I'm all about helping solopreneurs and online business owners tap into their truest, most vibrant selves to create branding that is a true reflection of who they are. I believe that your personal journey, your values, your growth, your unique perspective is what makes your brand stand out.

Caroline: That's why I have built my business around DIY brand design, empowering you to craft a brand identity that feels authentic and alive. Through my course and resources, like the Better Branding Course, I guide you to express your creativity and personality in a way that resonates with your ideal audience.

Caroline: My approach is playful, soulful, and a little introspective, but always grounded in the belief that when you embrace who you are, your brand shines brighter. In what world? First of all, I'm freaking out because the little, I don't know what they're called, but the dashes—I do that all the time. I love that.

Caroline: I didn't even tell it. That was one of my favorite punctuations. Words like alive and soulful. So it really matters, this extra training prompt, because you can just see that the output feels more authentic to who you are as a human being. So I highly recommend taking the time. I know it's a couple extra minutes, but taking the time to train ChatGPT on your tone of voice.

Caroline: Once you complete this prompt, I also highly recommend not only copying and pasting the paragraphs, the output that ChatGPT gives you here in your workbook, but also, because I took the time to really write out this tone of voice for the prompt, I'm going to go up to the prompt, and from tone of voice down to... down to the writing sample, I'm going to go ahead and copy that as well and paste it in my answer block here, just in case.

Caroline: Again, if you leave, you need to start a new chat session. ChatGPT starts giving you answers that you don't feel like are in your tone of voice. You can always remind it of your tone of voice, and so you want to, if you did all the hard work to fill this out, you want to store that somewhere. Same with your business description.

Caroline: Actually move that business description here. And that way I have this saved.